Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Friday, October 19, 2007


Almost 2 months after the fact, I've finally gotten around to putting up some pictures from Greg and Annie Albrecht's wedding in Juneau. There are also a few scanned shots from Sitka that I took with my lovely N80. Film still rocks the hizzie.

Sailing the Green Bay

Parental Guidance

I thought I'd seen it all in the little box at the beginning of previews that explain the movie's rating. Until now, "Intense Slime" ranked as my favorite, but while watching the trailer for In the Shadow of the Moon, this caught my eye:


Thursday, October 18, 2007

Eagle Cap, Oregon

Truly one of the most impressive areas I've backpacked/climbed in. Pictures here.

I also shot a few rolls of film on the new Nikon, including a roll of Fuji Neopan 1600 black and white which I've heard great things about. That business won't be back until Wednesdayish, at which point I'll be in Texas for yet another wedding. Hopefully we'll see this film scanned and posted early next month. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

We're Back

Well after a long absence of any real substance on ye olde blog, I'm happy to announce that my new Dell has arrived and is humming along nicely. First order of business is to edit and gather my photos from Greg and Annie Albrecht's wedding, which I hope to get done tonight and post some highlights later next week.

If the 4Runner comes back with a clean bill of health I'm taking her down to the Eagle Cap Wilderness in Oregon for a few days. I picked up some filters for the 35mm and am way excited about shooting this new black and white film I ordered. A call down to the the forest service revealed that a foot of snow just fell in the area I'm thinking of trekking around in, so there's a chance of an epic.

Many thoughts and stories have been brewing in the past 4 months, so I hope to get back to a more regular posting schedule starting next week. Peace.

ps - The new Beirut is tickling my ears as I type this. Who can get enough of gypsy moaning, trilling trumpets and mournful accordions? Not me boy.