Sunday, June 28, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

New Avett Brothers

This is a shot from the Portland show we went to back in May, not taken by me. Credit goes to Jonathan Colman for the good eye. The REAL news is the free new single posted here at Spinner. I'm still a little unsure about the Butch Vig produced album that's due out soon, but hey, it's the Avett Brothers.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

It Lives

Interesting tidbit over at the (re-opened!) Cedar Room.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Weeds as Icebergs

This little guy is pretty typical for thistle. A little nub poking out of the dirt, and five times that underground. The barn is in the shot for scale.

So far summer squash, cucumbers, broccoli, pumpkins, sweet corn, sweet peas, and pole, goldrush, black turtle, and anasazi beans have started showing themselves. It still seems a little like magic, to just poke some hard little lumps into the ground and see (roughly) orderly little greenies pushing up.

Produce won't be ready for another month or so, but start looking for us around the beginning of July at the farmer's market selling "natural beef." It would've obtained the coveted Organic label, but there aren't any organic certified butcher shops around. Other than that, the cattle are all grass-fed on pasture that's been certified organic, so unless the butchers are injecting the beef with, I don't know, CFCs or something, you're basically getting organic beef.

Palouse Organics is the name, Frank Hill is the man behind it, and LaVon and Grace Wagler are heading up the operation. And I'm the gardener.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Feel Like You're in a Photo Rut?

Well just stick an inchworm onto some beer labels and tequila bar coasters! Walla!