Saturday, September 08, 2007

Aware Again of the Cinema

Documentary on Cuteness
You don't really need to watch this past the mentioning of the narrator and her comment on mother polar bears. Hilarious.

Two Bad A's

We Own the Night -
Mark Wahlberg seems to shine brightest when playing an authority figure of some kind (firefighter in "I Heart Huckabees," hard cop in "The Departed," and Ass Whuppin' Head Honcho in "Four Brothers"), and he's back here as a cop in a "good brother/bad brother" flick with Joaquin Phoenix. Marky Mark also seems to in seamlessly with a 1970's backdrop.

American Gangster - Denzel and Russell Crowe will hopefully team up to pound Cuba Gooding Jr. for two and a half hours. I cringe a little at Crowe's Brooklyn accent, but maybe he'll just shoot lots of stuff.

And this just looks rad and I've heard nothing but amazing things about the almost 20 Beatles songs redone by the unknown cast who were apparently signed on by holding musical auditions.

1 comment:

Thomas Banks said...

On Across the Universe-


Funny thing, I found some abismal 90's action flick called "Virtuosity" also with Crowe and Washington where Crowe plays an digitally created police training program that goes insane and starts blowing stuff up. And it managed to get worse from there.