Saturday, February 02, 2008

Racism Revealed

We kicked off Black History Month with a viewing of Song of the South last night. I think that now I understand where all the controversy over racism in the movie came from, and I must say, I am a bit offended. I mean, didn't Disney know that they could be stigmatizing an entire race of people for generations to come? Sure, we crackers may have worn knickers and lace collars in the past, but now we've got it together, man. It's not fair to judge us by our lameness back then. SotS unfairly portrays white people as spoiled, obnoxious brats with little to no sense of style, and I have to overcome that obstacle every day I stand in front of the mirror before leaving home. Sometimes all I can see is a privileged, unhip sucka, and it's almost too much to bear...

Also, found this satire of Song of the South on the Wiki called Coonskin. Looks crazy.

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