Sunday, October 16, 2005


In regards to my last post, I was reading Lewis's "The Four Loves" at the Kenworthy tonight, and came across something that spoke directly to my question. From the fount of wisdom itself: "When two people who thus discover that they are on the same secret road are of different sexes, the friendship which arises between them will very easily pass - may pass in the first half-hour - into erotic love. Indeed, unless they are physically repulsive to each other or unless one or both already loves elsewhere, it is almost certain to do so sooner or later."

I'm not sure i agree with old Clive on this one. There has to be something besides utter repulsiveness or previous engagement that dissuades two "friends" from slipping into eros. ???


Ibid said...

"There has to be something besides utter repulsiveness or previous engagement that dissuades two 'friends' from slipping into eros."


1) Consumption of saltpetre
2) Observance of alternative anaphrodesiacs, such as the other person's failure to wash socks, speak in complete sentences, or sufficiently polish fingernails.
3) 'repulsive' and 'eros' being strong words for such a shape-shifting phenomenon.

mg said...

how do you mean "repulsive and eros being strong words"?

Ibid said...

One doesn't need to be completely repulsed to not fall in love. Sometimes a slight difference of opinion is enough.

"Eros" smacking of the erotic (worthily or not) and attraction not always being that.

In certain male/female friendships, I mean to say, attraction is not always at the forefront of things. If you look at it too hard, it may vanish, in fact.