Saturday, October 15, 2005


Most of my stories and ideas usually paint some kind of pitiable character that the reader usually can easily sympathize with. I've been reading a lot of Shakespeare lately where he creates really really hateable characters. My teacher tries to look at characters like Falstaff and Richard III as either comically evil, or complex evil, but never just plain bad. I see them more in a straight up bad dude way, and that's the kind of person I want to have a story focus around. Maybe not someone killing their siblings and children to gain the throne of England, but something closer to home that just makes you despise a person.

My first thought for this was of a group of roommates who use a white board to keep track of who owes who what. Jesse takes care of most of the bills, so everyone is usually owing him money on the board. Jesse asks Travis if he wants to make $10 by cleaning up his bike for him. Travis agrees and cleans up the bike. Bills have come in, and instead of taking off $10 of what Travis would owe, Jesse adds $10 to everyone else's, making it look like Travis owes ten less. Things like that, he's not a jerk upfront, just really sleazy and sneaky behind the scenes. I haven't thought much about whether or not he'll get caught and whupped or just keep getting away with it.

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